Educational Activities and Study leave

Half Day Release (HDR)

Our half-day release (HDR) teaching sessions run on Tuesday afternoons and all trainees are expected to attend all sessions unless absolutely not possible due to annual leave etc. A register of attendance is kept to monitor that you attend at least 80% of these sessions per year.  Departments are asked to release you for the sessions and if you have problems with this you should let the Programme Directors know. It is part of your professional duty to attend on time with respect to the speakers who have taken the time to prepare and come to teach you.

The afternoon starts with a pre-planned topic. Both Trainers and Hospital Consultants contribute to the pre-planned sessions. We plan to cover the whole curriculum over 3 years.

After a tea break, we have a group discussion in two groups, facilitated by the Programme Directors. This helps you to get to know and support each other, as well as consolidate and share your learning and experience as you develop as GPs. Trainees can bring a discussion topic of their choice, including:

  • Projects they have been involved in
  • Difficult cases
  • Role plays
  • Media and news items.

During GP placement when there is not an HDR session, it is expected the session will be replaced by an agreed educational activity which may include joint surgery or special clinic according to agreed learning needs.

Study leave

Study leave of 30 days is allowed per year. Attendance at the Half Day Release (HDR) is covered by study leave arrangements and accounts for 15 days of the 30 days available to trainees.

Study leave is not an entitlement but an allowance and the needs of patients must be taken into consideration.

Courses can be categorised as mandatory, optional or aspirational. Any course which is not listed on the “Pre-approved Courses” list for Mandatory and Optional courses are called Aspirational courses.

Where a trainee wishes to undertake a course or event that is aspirational (not included on the “Pre-approved Courses” list), the trainee should discuss and get approval from their Educational Supervisor to ensure that the course is relevant to their professional development.

The application for study leave is made locally i.e. the hospital or GP practice.

During hospital rotations at Hillingdon Hospital, trainees need to complete the Study Leave Request Form and give it to the administrator at the Education Centre or email it to Claims for expenses will be processed by the Education Centre, to whom you should submit all relevant receipts and are paid via payroll.

During GP rotations, trainees need to request study leave from their GP Trainer. Claims for expenses are applied through the LEO (Royal Free) via the E-expenses platform.

Study Leave must be authorised and approved before attending courses or costs/leave will not be granted. Conference/Course costs are paid by the individual doctor and reclaimed after attending the course. Reimbursement claims must be made within 3 months of attendance of course/conference. Proof of attendance and receipts should accompany any claim form. Exam fees are over and above this allocation. Exam costs have to be met by the doctor.

Up to 5 days Private Study leave may be taken for each exam. Private Study should be taken as near to the Exam date as possible. Leave for the day of sitting the AKT and CSA components of the MRCGP is normally granted in addition to the study leave entitlement.

Other Qualifications

You may want to undertake additional training, e.g. for contraception and IUCD training and if so you should discuss this with your Educational Supervisor and Programme Director.

Out of Programme Experience (OOP)

GP trainees may be eligible to undertake negotiated OOP experience whilst retaining a National Training Number (NTN) provided this satisfies the guidance and criteria. You will not be able to apply for OOP until you complete your first year of the programme. This is best taken between the end of the ST2 year and the beginning of the ST3 year. You must give at least 6 months notice in advance of the proposed OOP start date. Subject to the formal agreement of the GP School.

Online form:

Urgent and Unscheduled Care (UUC)

Practices should release you for sessions and should, ordinarily, give you time off in lieu, where indicated, within two weeks of having worked the session in out of hours. Please note that some practices have built this time off into your contracted working hours. The sessions should be spread throughout the placement and you should give enough notice such that the practice is able to plan for this.

Out of Hours sessions are arranged with Care UK via

You will be emailed a login at the beginning of your GP rotation.