Prospective Trainers

Being a GP Trainer can be a very enriching and enjoyable role as GP. Please contact our Administrator if you are interested, who can get you in touch with one of the Programme Directors, even for an informal chat.

Why become a trainer (Adapted from:

  • Being involved with trainees helps the trainer keep up-to-date clinically and provides you with opportunities to learn new skills from your GP Registrars.
  • Teaching and training provides variety to the working week, helping GPs to retain enthusiasm.
  • A sense of self-satisfaction from helping develop the next generation of GPs.
  • Huge gratitude and appreciation from the trainees for your help.
  • Being part of community of educators by attending Trainers Workshops.
  • Being involved in training is an advantage for GP recruitment – both directly by training your next colleague and by enabling you to attract potential recruits attracted by the training status.
  • Approval as a training practice is one indication of high standards and esteem amongst practices.
  • Provides income to your practice through the Trainer Grant.

How to become a trainer

You will meet the Associate Dean (AD), who will review and approve your application.

You will need to complete an HEE approved GP-trainer’s course. The current course is the GP Supervisor Course:

You will need to attend the monthly Trainers Workshops, which is a meeting of all GP trainers in Hillingdon to develop education skills. Please contact our Trainers Workshop Convenor:  Dr Sarah Newberry (Oxford Drive Medical Centre),

Your practice will be visited to be accredited as an approved training site.